Chicago Way Greener than Oak Park!

In Chicago, they are holding an event that lets residents trade in hazardous waste and buy low-cost rain barrels and compost bins. Wow, they are actually practicing what they preach. I would have traded a couple hundred cheap compost bins for those ugly signs in the arts district (arts block) any day!

Here's what Chicago is doing:
The next Environmental Resource Event will be:
Saturday, June 21
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
U.S. Cellular Field, 333 W. 35th Street

Drop-off your:
hazardous household chemicals & paints
computers, cell phones, fax machines, scanners, keyboards
old or unused prescription & non-prescription medications
old gas can and/or gas-powered lawn mower

Pick-up your*:
(1) rain barrel** ($40 payable by check or money order only)
(1) compost bin** ($30 payable by check or money order only)
(1) free compact fluorescent light bulb
(1) free environmentally-friendly gas can (when you trade in an old one)
$100 rebate towards an electric or push mower (when you drop-off your old gas-powered mower)
*Available while supplies last, limit 1 per household.
**Available to City of Chicago residents only, proof of residency required at sale and available while supplies last.