During the overnight hours of Friday February 26, 2010 to Saturday morning February 27, 2010 there were (3) three vehicles broken into in the alley between 300 S. Humphrey / 300 S. Taylor. The incidents most likely occurred on Saturday morning sometime between the hours of 2:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. The vehicles had been parked outside and were entered by breaking the driver or passenger side rear window either by unknown means or by use of a pry / jimmy type tool. The loss at this time is the damage to the (3) three vehicle windows, a pool cue, a bin with auto supplies and a Bluetooth earpiece.
For those residents that park their vehicles in the alley make sure the area is well lighted, for example, motion sensors installed on the garage. Make sure the trees and shrubs are not overgrown by the garage so a criminal does not have a place to hide and go about their business undetected. Please take GPS units out of the vehicles and do not leave anything in view of a thief such as cellular telephones, chargers in the cigarette lighter or items of value on the seats. If anyone sees an alley or street light out, or one that is covered by trees contact the public works division or let me know so that we can have it fixed.
I have attached two .pdf files with information about residents getting involved along with crime prevention tips. Even though one of the articles addresses 2008 crime statistics, (latest data available) the information about residents and the police working together is what can make a difference, by knowing your neighbors and calling 9-1-1 if you observe anything suspicious. There are also a number of crime prevention tips that apply at all times.
If you have not visited the Village of Oak Park website lately take a look at the information available, The village also has a Facebook and Twitter page where you can get the latest information. There is a VOP E-News service with a link available on the main page.
The police department's webpage can be found at On the police department webpage there is information about the resident beat officers along with the latest crime reports.
Don’t forget, I have my monthly zone 4 meeting on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at Percy Julian Middle School 416 S. Ridgeland.
If anyone would like to host a block / neighborhood watch meeting to discuss these or any other issues let me know.
If you see any suspicious activity please contact the police department immediately, by calling 9-1-1. Never worry about inconveniencing an officer; we would rather stop a crime than try to solve it after the fact.
If you have any questions please give me a call or send me an e-mail. Thank you,
Robert Primak
Resident Beat Officer
Village of Oak Park
123 W. Madison St.
Oak Park, IL 60302