
Oak Park Police Basketball Camp

Camp is for boys an girls ages 8 - 14. Activities include one-on-one
and group instruction, team play, full-court games, contests and

July 20 - 24 Ascension School
824 Clarence Ave., Oak Park

Registration required. Applications available at the Oak Park Police
Department, 123 Madison St. For details, call 708.358.5542 or

From our Beat Officer Robert Primak


I would like to take a moment to thank all of the citizens and business owners of not only zone 4 but throughout the village for their continued support of the Oak Park Police Department.

Please continue to call the police and report any suspicious activity that you may observe. By working together we can make our community a safer place to live, work and play. Our officers have made a number of excellent burglary arrests from calls reporting suspicious activity.

Public Works Open House

The Public Works Department will host its annual open house and fun fair from 9 a.m. – noon, tomorrow, May 16, at the Public Works Center, 201 South Blvd. Visitors can tour the building, see equipment and vehicle demonstrations, and talk to representatives from all Public Works divisions, including forestry, streets and engineering. Oak Park's Public Works Center is the first green-designed building of its kind in Illinois. For more information on the open house or the building, call the Public Works Department at 708.358.5700 or e-mail

Property Values

We received a listing of all the “Detached Single Family” home sales in Oak Park for 2008, and the news for our neighborhood continues to be good. “OP” is all of Oak Park and “NN” is the Neighbor Net area.

Homes Sold Avg. Sale Price

OP ’01 - 456 $326,915

OP ’02 - 486 $371,892

OP ’03 - 487 $399,037

Home Sweet Home for Sale

With excitement about new adventures and sadness about leaving this wonderful community, our family is preparing to move to Wisconsin. In just under two weeks, we'll be putting our home on the market. It's a lovely, 4-bedroom (3 bdrm + office) on the corner of Randolph & Harvey, across from Monkey Island. The house has leaded glass, lots of woodwork, great gardens and a fenced-in yard. If you or a friend are looking to buy a home and are interested, please email soon and we'll give more details. There will be more price flexibility before we put it on the market and list with an agent.


Amy & Geoff Baker

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